Yard visiting
Visiting your yard is the most important factor in designing your hom
Service Description
Visiting your yard is the most important factor in designing your home. There are tones of factors to consider in making a house that suits your location. its not just enough to have a house plan. You can have a beautiful plan, but after finishing building it, you might find your self in wondering why your home is not spakling. thats where we come in. we visit your yard. 1.checking geo graphical properties. 2.most wind direction, sun position(for proper fenestration) 3.drainage positioning 4.water borehole positioning (future secks) 5.sanitation 6.garage positioning 7.entarance positioning 8.discussing with you on what you want and help you with the neccessary ideas 9.best of laying out the floor 10.where to put and what type of trees to have. etc
Cancellation Policy
You pay deposit for work to start, it is provided as the default price. if your project turns to be bigger, you add the balance from the default price you have already paid. However, please call before the payment and talk to one of our members for clarity
Contact Details
Sky limit Architects, Kerk Street, Kuruman, South Africa